Monthly Archives: September 2004

Jirgas: defying the court

By Zubeida Mustafa
Source: Dawn

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has been rendering useful service to society by acting as a watchdog body to monitor human rights violations in Pakistan. Apart from the annual report it publishes every year to document the state of human rights in the country, the HRCP also studies various issues of special concern to the people at a given time and prepares reports on them to create public awareness and thus generate pressure on the government to take requisite measures.
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State of college education

By Zubeida Mustafa
Source: Dawn

There has been one positive outcome of the so-called college denationalization debate that has raged ever since the Sindh government announced its decision to “transfer” the St Joseph’s and St Patrick’s colleges to their original owners. Public attention has been focused on the state of college education in the country.

Given the unrealistic nature of some of the claims and allegations made by the parties, which are resisting the transfer of these colleges, it is important to put the issue in correct perspective. The arguments advanced by the critics of denationalization are:
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Denationalization controversy

By Zubeida Mustafa
Source: Dawn

There is much speculation these days about the impending change in the status of the St Joseph’s and the St Patrick’s Colleges in Karachi. The Sindh government’s move to “retransfer” or “denationalize” these colleges has angered the teachers’ community and their association has launched a protest movement.

Given the state of college education – in fact the entire education sector – in the country it is important that the issue be discussed dispassionately and objectively in all sections who feel concern for the future of the younger generation.
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