Monthly Archives: June 2007

Identifying needs of education

By Zubeida Mustafa
Source: Dawn

AFTER politics and the economy, the subject that is being frequently discussed today in the media is education. One should welcome this positive development since public debates will enhance awareness about the needs and problems of this sector and thus generate pressure for reform.

The federal education minister, Lieutenant General (retd) Javed Ashraf Qazi, has been quite vocal on this score in a bid to establish the credibility of his policies. A few days ago he appeared in a PTV talk show. Earlier he gave a comprehensive interview to CRI’s newsletter.

As could have been expected, Mr Qazi had many good things to say about his achievements as the education minister. One would not dispute the merit of some of them though it is too early to say whether they will be sustained. One also wonders if these policy measures will not be misused.
Continue reading Identifying needs of education

Professional hazards for journalists

By Zubeida Mustafa
Source: Dawn

AT A time when communication technology has facilitated the flow of information and made it difficult for governments to suppress the dissemination of news, authorities in South Asia are moving against the tide.

They have stepped up their effort to curb access to knowledge and information in a desperate bid to keep the people in the dark. This is a paradox that is difficult to explain.
Continue reading Professional hazards for journalists

The poor have no choices

By Zubeida Mustafa
Source: Dawn

WHILE the Pakistan government goes to extraordinary lengths to laud its economic performance, economists have correctly pointed out the growing inequities that have been spawned by President Musharraf’s policies. (See Akbar Zaidi’s “Eight years of missed opportunities” in Dawn of June 10, 2007.)

It was, therefore, like a bolt from the blue to see the Pakistan Economic Survey 2006-07 attempting to prettify the state of poverty in the country by citing a few statistics to paint a somewhat rosier picture.
Continue reading The poor have no choices

How will historians see May 12?

By Zubeida Mustafa
Source: Dawn

AS PAKISTAN goes through a grave political and constitutional crisis, it increasingly becomes clear that we have learnt nothing from history, to borrow the title of Air Marshal (retd) Asghar Khan’s book. But how can we, when students are no longer taught history as a subject in our schools? You do not learn a lesson from something you are not even aware of.
Continue reading How will historians see May 12?