Monthly Archives: July 2011

Media without dignity

By Zubeida Mustafa
Source: Dawn

THE scandal surrounding the now defunct “News of the World” which has brought much embarrassment to the high and mighty in London will hopefully prove to be the proverbial watershed that the media in our globalised world badly needs.

One positive result of the fall of Rupert Murdoch’s empire in Britain is that questions are being asked about the integrity of his 200 or so outlets that span several continents. Mercifully, the first bubble to burst was in a country known for its Continue reading Media without dignity

From Caux to Karachi

By Zubeida Mustafa
Source: Dawn

Mountain House - the Caux conference centre
Mountain House - the Caux conference centre. Photo courtesy Rajiv Agarwal
AFTER five days at the Human Security Forum in Caux (Switzerland), the news from Karachi left me stunned — more than 100 people killed in five days!

The bitterness expressed by those directly hit was unnerving. There was a report from my colleague in Dawn, Nizamuddin Siddiqui, about the travails of families trapped in their homes as bullets rained round them. There was also a plaintive email from a friend in Qasba appealing for help.
Continue reading From Caux to Karachi

Tyranny of Language in Education comes under discussion

By Zubeida Mustafa

The recently launched book, “Tyranny of Language in Education” by Zubeida Mustafa (published by Ushba Publishing) has created an interest in the subject. On Monday 20 June, 2011 FM 105 broadcast a programme on the subject in which anchorperson Tahseen Fatema talked to Mehtab Rashdi, Asif Noorani and Zubeida Mustafa on this subject. We present the talk here. Continue reading Tyranny of Language in Education comes under discussion

Child labour in the home

By Zubeida Mustafa
Source: Dawn

IN June, ILO adopted Convention (189) on Decent Work for Domestic Workers that is something historic since it enters the informal sector setting out standards to improve the condition of those working in a household or caring for families.

In Pakistan most of such workers are women, unskilled, illiterate and oppressed, hence open to exploitation. But what about the children who work in homes? Continue reading Child labour in the home

Something more on English

An article by Max de Lotbiniere in the Guardian Weekly of 5 July 2011 ( cites a British Council Report released last month to show that English speakers in Third World countries had a higher earning power — by 25 per cent — than others. The research was conducted in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Cameroon and Rwanda. It also found that the US and UK invested a greater amount of their FDI in countries where English was more prevalent. Continue reading Something more on English

Organ racket again

By Zubeida Mustafa
Source: Dawn

A REPORT in Dawn last week brought to light the unearthing of an illegal organ transplant centre in Lahore and the arrest of a doctor and six paramedics. A Pakistani donor and an Indonesian who was to receive the kidney were also present at the improvised clinic in a private house when the police raid took place.

This is not shocking because reports of the resurgence of the organ trade have resurfaced lately. Recently a doctor from the Dubai Medical College had reported that Continue reading Organ racket again